We premiered this moving story at our Denver office this summer about a ranching family, The Bruchez's, who make their living on the banks of the Colorado River. This showing was done during our #thisisyourriver party with American Rivers where we raised awareness about challenges facing the Upper Colorado River. The film packed the house with standing room only for the showing. Now the full film is released to the public and we are thrilled to share it with our tribe. American Rivers and Trout Unlimited produced a unique film that highlights a non typical user of the water and his connection to the Colorado River as well as the fish.
"Paul Bruchez leads a coalition of ranchers known as the Irrigators of the Lands in the Vicinity of Kremmling (ILVK). The ILVK consists of a dozen ranches over a 12-mile reach of the Upper Colorado River and 1 ½ miles of the Blue River. As flows in the Upper Colorado have diminished over time due to diversions that pipe and pump water to Front Range cities such as Denver and Fort Collins, ranchers have increasingly experienced challenges for their irrigation systems. Most use pumps to pull water from the river and the low flows have left their pump intakes high and dry during certain times of the irrigation season."
"Join us, as we get a glimpse into the lifestyle, and tough choices, that confronted the Bruchez family in this critical moment for both them and the Colorado River."
~American Rivers